Intemporal New York

This is New York without interference, without history, without others - the ideal New York of our fantasies, where we have New York all to ourselves, without intruders, even if we are just shadows fleeting by, hardly mattering. The city as it was before us. Without us. After we are all gone. Intemporal and unreal, the city as it is when we are not there to see it. Like Narcissus, we reach out and touch, but we know longer know if it's us, or the photographer, or the city we're hoping to touch.

-Andre Ackman on The Light of New York by Jean-Michel Berts; a publication that sits near the very top of my list of "all-time" favorite photo books.

I decided to post an image as I have received several emails and messages asking if I am OK since I have not been here in a week. I am fine; thanks for your kind concern. It is just that I am using all my energy and available time to keep pace with my life right now and, even with that, it seems that I am a step or two behind. But, these times always pass and brighter days are ahead.

This image is one from my iPhone. The effect that it created when it captured the man in between moving cars is typical of the magic that happens to one when in NYC. It is more intemporal in thinks.

I hope to be back on the grid soon and I hope that you are well.

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