Queen cells

Up and a quick walk for juno.

Tidied house and got everything ready for the return of the ladies.

Juno walked in local park.

Up to bees and as it is usual a swarm was forming as I arrived.

Put a nuc above it with foundation. They started to crawl in.

Helped mentor do his cell checks. All good.

I merged 2 hives together as one was queenless from the split. I got hammered as they were not impressed.

2 hives with queen cells. One had torn down and uncapped queen cells so assumed the queen did not return from mating flight. The other hive had loads of bees and I watched 2 queens hatch out and run through the hive. Will check again tomorrow.

Swarm collected and put in a nuc.

Home and lunch.

More chores.

Took juno to allotment to pick berries and a walk.

The ladies came home.

Nice to see them.

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