Well done girls!

The girls have settled well,  laying 5 eggs today. Barry sneaked one to try, hence only 4 in the photo! 
They spent the whole day in their little woodland scratching about while Barry spent the day making sure all the fencing is secure. 
We went back down about 8.45pm and they had put themselves to bed so luckily  no chasing about tonight!
I spent most of the day in the garden weeding various veg plots and planting out some seedlings.
I shopped online for Barry's parent's groceries this afternoon. It's never straightforward as there always seems to be somethings I have to ring  and double check. At least things have calmed down and most of what she needs is available now. It was very difficult for a couple of months but we managed to keep them supplied!
We had another late dinner, making the most of a sunny day, ahead of what is forecast to be another wet day tomorrow.

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