About to turn

By jMcLean

Last Light

A beautiful hydrangea out Marti's back door. 

Spent part of today next door at Harry and Ellie's, and the rest here. I. played her cello for Poppy (Harry), the hospice nurse came and went over changing routines, we prepared for delivery of a hospital bed tomorrow, and Marti & I made breakfast for dinner - French toast and scrambled eggs. 

For this coming Fall semester, Loudoun County parents have the choice to send our kids to school two days a week, with three days "distance learning" at home, or keep them entirely at home. The choice must be made by Wednesday; although school doesn't start til September 8, there is so much scheduling and planning to be put in place. I talked with a friend today, another mother of a rising senior, who decided her son should stay home. What a thing. 

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