Mourning Dove Moment

Dear Diary,

I can always rely on one of the Mourning Doves to offer a good photo op posing so nicely on the fence.  We are in a showery phase right now, one moment the sun is shining and the next it's raining.  At least the horrible heat and humidity is diminished.  My little excursion is outdoors tomorrow but I will take the chance and bring an umbrella just in case.  I so need to get out of the house!  You will have to wait until later in the day to see how it all turned out.

I've started needle felting again.  I am nearly finished with a Badger just waiting for some new wool to arrive to finish his coat.  I started a Water Vole but it didn't want to be a Water Vole.  It wanted to be a Monkey so that's what it will be.  Sometimes these critters have minds of their own!  It is a cute little monkey so I'm fine with that.

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