twinned with trumpton


A slow Monday morning but I eventually got into my stride.

At lunchtime I cycled up to WFHH (Work From Her Home) before we went off to visit Bill. He's largely been home alone with his now 6 y.o. grandson since CV kicked in.

We had an hour of a catch up, interspersed with the lad's high jinks with a new audience to amuse.

Back to Her's, brought the washing in and I scooted off home, pausing to alleviate traffic congestion caused by someone parking on a double yellow line on Forrest Road. 3 buses and countless cars all queued up whilst someone waited for their pizza pick up. 

I lifted out a wand on the cycle lane, allowed the bus that couldn't get through to wriggle past, replaced the wand and was greeted by 3 people applauding my common sense.


2nd half of - checks notes - Man Utd v Southampton, although I didn't stick it out right to the end for the 96th minute equaliser. I was editing photos. Finally. Now to find an hour to post some of them.

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