Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

I went to the store today and came home with a box of cube sugar. Apparently, you can clean the bottom and sides of frying pans with a cube sugar dipped in a little bit of water. So, I'll be trying that. I also brushed my teeth with olive oil and turmeric (powder) mixed to a paste, yesterday, to whiten my teeth. They got a bit whiter, so I'll keep that up. And, I'm making a paste with bicarbonate and water to tackle my messy oven trays. 

My lungs arn't any better, I still have a difficulty to walk without breathing problems. I find this rather ironic. 
Last summer, when I decided to start walking 30 minutes in the morning before and after work, my feet started to hurt and I had a lot of problem with my heels for a long time. This summer, when I was planning to do the same thing, what happens?? Well, my lungs decided to act up because of post covid problems and/or side-effects from my blood pressure meds. So... back to travel by bus for a while. Sometimes it feels like whenever I think to start exercise more, something happens to throw a large spanner in those plans. Oh, well... I'll find a way.

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