Bordering on Bearable

Spent the day doing the border, with bits of broken tile and seashells, in the new bathroom. Laid all the bits out on the patio table, the heat was making me feel a bit sick, so was grateful for the misters Mike has rigged up out there, really makes a difference.

Rang Jan the artist, for her ideas on how to arrange them... was thinking of rainbow order, she suggested several rainbows to even the colours out more... ended up doing a sunset theme. Thought it would look better with a round sun, so asked Mike to cut the bottom out of a red bowl we had. Ran out of bits (thought I had more than enough), so Mike broke up a few border tiles we had and I made it eke out. Was determined to get it done, which I did at about 10pm, in the end. Oh yes, a huge delay was both of us going through loads of stuff trying to find the leftovers from the last border I did - no success on that, and now everywhere is in even more of a mess...

- that I finished the border, just the grouting to do now; the fun of doing something creative, and reusing "junk" we've collected, including some bits Zion found and gave me that I brought back
- remembering the small swamp cooler I have, made all the difference last night; here is an example - really recommend if you don't have air con
- eating MIke's bread with cheese, avocado and Alentejo red, in the dark outside, surrounded by planets and stars clearly visible

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