Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Tickled Pink

Five years ago on our Ruby wedding, the girls gave us two standard roses. They couldn't find a nice Ruby one, so opted for these - Tickled Pink by name. This year the blooms are phenomenal. Not a bad day today, got the garden watered first thing then continued sorting out the sitting room /spare room for mum who arrives tomorrow. Hopefully all will be as required. She's a very easy guest, but I do feel the responsibility as she gets older, especially just now.
Ali popped in this afternoon to drop off the cat again, it's nice to be able to see her a bit more and she's enjoying seeing Pickle too.
I popped into Katy's just as she got home, Isobel is very excited as today was her party day at the 'hub' nursery. Tomorrow she goes back to her regular place, her new friends made her cards today to say goodbye, and she is so looking forward to seeing all of her old friends again. They've both chopped so well with all the changes they've had over the Covid period, I'm glad things are gradually reverting to the familiar though. It will make pick up and drop off much easier for Katy and Jon I hope too.
This evening I filled in for Colin at Bridge as he is up at his mum's. Didn't do too badly. It's been good to keep my hand in.
Keep well and safe everybody I'm so glad that facemasks are going to be used in England too, common sense has prevailed for once.
Steps today, 12650

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