La vida de Annie

By Annie


New Normality day 24.
This web looks like how my mind feels - broken, messy, disjointed.
Each day I try to make sense of what's going on in the world, and fail.
Usually if I have an issue, sleeping on it works - the old gray matter works on it while I sleep, and presents me with a clearer picture in the morning.
Nowadays, apart from sleeping very badly if at all, this process doesn't seem to work anymore. I no longer wake up with that blessed few seconds of feeling that all is again well with the world, and dive straight into the full horror of it, augmented by news updates on new ghastliness and nonsensical politics.
My daughter, who usually comes to visit during the Summer, asked for my thoughts on maybe coming over in August. My thoughts are: I don't want any of my nearest and dearest stepping onto a flying plague capsule or plague ship any time soon. I just want to wrap them all up in a safe cocoon, freeze them and thaw them out when this is all over. Then hug them thoroughly. She's a sensible girl - I hope she understands.

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