
By AnnieBScotland

TLC needed. again.

prompted by an article in the local paper I paid a visit to the Lanark cemetery. It is close to my house, but I have to confess I haven't actually been in it before. The Murray Chapel was built in 1911 and has lain boarded up and unused for many years. Efforts have been made to find funding to restore it without success, not helped by the Historic Scotland re-designation from a C category to an A, meaning a much highter standard of restoration is needed.

Ironically, the cemetery is now full, and a new one has been made outside of the town, but the local worthies still want to find the money to turn this into a family history research centre. Who knows if that will ever happen.

However, I found some amazing things for future blips - including the burial vault of Dr William Smellie (pronounced smiley!), the founder of modern gynaecology who died in 1763, and a rather cheeky stone angel! watch this space.

bitterly cold today, even though it was sunny. Am feeling a bit lethargic, what with one thing and another, though I may try and drag myself out for a swim later.

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