Meet My New BFF, George!

Howdy, Henry Here!

This is my new BFF (Best Felted Friend), George.  When Mom set out, she meant to make a Water Vole but George had other plans.  So, no matter how she poked and prodded, George just wouldn't be a Water Vole.  He knew he was a monkey, he was meant to be a monkey, so a monkey he is.  Mom believes all people, and felted critters, must be who they are, not what others want them to be.  George admired Marigold's clothes and my snazzy hat so Marigold gave George her white felt jacket and Mom let George pick out a special button for it.  I gave him my Irish Poet's hat which really fits him a lot better than me.  Doesn't he look great?!  Now, Mom has to finish Baxter, the Badger.  Another felted friend for ME!   Stay tuned!

Footnote:  My old Singer is singing again in the studio!  All fixed and ready for new sewing projects.  I was delighted to learn it had been made in the Singer factory in Glasgow, Scotland in 1970, once the largest sewing machine factory in the world.  Another surprise Scottish connection for me! 

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