Its the Way It Is

By Jeano

I had a date

for medical tests yesterday with the Professor’s team in St. Vincent’s Hospital. I am always exhausted afterwards and forgot to blip

Now a 2 week wait before I meet him to discuss the results. The waiting used to give me the heebie-jeebies; but now I park it and engage in healthy distractionary (is that a word?) tactics.

So a lovely swim at 7am today
Chat with friends on the beach
Coffee from Kieran’s Coffee Gaff in the pink kiosk
Walk the promenade
Drive to Dun Laoghaire to get the yella in me hair from the lovely chinese guy
Around the corner to get me nails done (I went for Pink Fizz on this occasion)
Bought a load of cheap make up (my lipstick of choice du jour is 360 and I bagsd the last one). Note to Penneys your stocks are on the low side
Bought new tiger blouse (extra)
Coffee in Darboven

Home for tomato and scallion omelette

Going to grab a quick snooze now and set my alarm for 4.15 to put kettle on to watch Michael Caine at 4.30 (big fan of MC here)

Hi there blippers. Hope it’s as nice where you are as where I am (Dublin) and the sun is actually shining and 22 degrees forecast

Irish blippers take note ....


On a serous note, phase 4 of exit from lockdown has been put back due to small re-emergence of the virus. Hot damn

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