
By ayearinthelife

Pressure Drop

Last October our central heating boiler finally gave up the ghost after twenty years, so we had it replaced with a super duper, all singing, all dancing one that looked more like an iPhone than a boiler - all shiny white covers and a touch screen control panel. Apparently they’re designed this way so you can put them in kitchens without having to hide them in cupboards. Ours lives in the attic so no chance to admire the aesthetics.
We also had a couple of radiators replaced at the same time. All was wonderful for a few weeks - warmer rooms, hotter showers and, most importantly, no breaking down.
But around Christmas we noticed we were having to top the system up on a fairly regular basis. By February it was getting to the stage of topping up almost daily and by March, if we didn’t top it up each evening, the boiler wouldn’t fire up in the morning. Plumber was called and appointment made for...........23rd March!!!
Needless to say, we didn’t actually see anyone until June. Since then we have had all the new radiators checked and all the pipe work under the floor checked. Nothing obvious so we then spent a fortnight monitoring the system pressure twice a day. Still no leak found. Next step was to isolate first the front half of the house, then the rear to see if this would narrow it down. Nothing. System still losing pressure on a daily basis and we have more holes in the floor than a Swiss Cheese. The next step in this process was far more disruptive so we took ourselves off for three days and the plumbers moved in. Arrived home to find boiler in pieces and various parts of the system pressurised up to the sort of level that should definitely reveal any weaknesses. It needs to be left like this for a couple of days so hopefully Monday might bring a few answers. The good news is that it’s looking increasingly likely that it’s a fault with the new boiler, so there won’t be any monetary cost to us - just inconvenience!

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