Measure twice, cut once

I've heard that more than once!
G finished fixing the roof on the woodshed today. No more leak and now he can get the wood that he's already split stacked inside. Still some more to split, always a big job to get the winter wood supply in.
I went to town for groceries and was in the store at 7am. I'm starting to think that I'll continue to shop that early!  Picked some veggies for tonight's salad and cleaned up the lettuce that's growing like crazy, had a long phone conversation with a friend who had an operation recently, and now looking at the photos for blip. Doesn't take much to fill a day!
I put out extra lettuce that has been nibbled or is fading for the deer. I was taking over a 2nd pail to dump for them and scared a doe that was already enjoying the contents of the first pail - and she scared me! She didn't go far, I apologized to her for scaring her, and she was back to eating in no time.
Extras of the roofer: lifting the metal roofing onto the roof; climbing up on the scaffold; climbing down from the roof

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