Story books

I read a lot and I read randomly. As illustration, here are the last few books I read/am reading:

Cormac MCarthy - The road was recommended to me by my friend Mike in Aberdeen. He said it was not holiday reading. He was right. My copy is secondhand from my friend Jon. Would I recommend it? Yes, it's a great book, but not very cheery.

Paul Torday - The legacy of Hartlepool Hall was given to me by my parents who are neighbours of the author. It's a signed copy. Would I recommend it? No.

Janet Evanovich's Stephanie Plum books 4, 5 and 6 were given to me by my friend Richard who cannot stand the series. I love it, having been introduced to Stephanie by my lovely friend Val.

Jasper Fforde - The women who died a lot was bought by me for Mr hazelh for his birthday. Although the first book in this series (The Eyre Affair) is one of my favourites ever, I've now tired of Thursday Next. Sorry Jasper...

Chicks dig timelords - is a fascinating read - if you like Dr Who and are intrigued by fandom. It was a present from my friend Jon.

Sam Harris - Free will was a wonderful read for me. It confirmed very eloquently a whole load of ideas that have been floating around my brain recently. It's another present from my friend Jon.

Jeannette Walls - Half broke horses came from my sister J. I started reading this a couple of nights ago and I'm enjoying it.

Daniel Kahneman - Thinking fast, and slow was another present from Jon. I started reading it in bed the other night then decided that perhaps it was not the kind of thing any normal person would read at that time of the day, so I think I'll pick it up again when travelling for work.

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