Euan Me and Rhona too!

By noifa

Carrot cigar

Hmm, what creepy rolling eyes I managed to snap! The mess on my jeans is rusk. It is all over the carpet too. What a silly parent I am, giving my child a rusk while free to roam! It was the last one and I just wanted rid of it, so my jeans are in the wash as we speak!

Up and out reasonably sharp to get some things for tea, then dropped Euans dvd back at the library before home to paint the cupboard ceilings (Martins job). Then meatballs in a pasta sauce on ciabatta for lunch, nom nom and Martin ironed all his shirts in the afternoon. I have done very little, except enjoy playing with the two small people.

Tea was supposed to be halibut, but obviously a bit posh for Tesco so had haddock instead. It was done in the oven in a cider and orange liquid (I hesitate to call it sauce as it could still have been drunk!) and was really tasty. Rhona had a few flakes of the fish (not sure if she should have, with it being cooked in alcohol?) and some brocoli, then a yogurt and some banana. Euan had one piece of fish, then went into a strop wanting tv and then went and sat at the gate at the top of the stairs wailing for Kaka. After 20 minutes of us trying to persuade him to come down we just left him and he actually fell asleep at the top of the stairs. Poor exhausted boy!

The picture today is of Rhona carrying her carrot in her mouth while crawling. She has started doing this today, carrying first one of Euans socks that he had discarded on the floor, then a cardboard carton out of his shopping basket, and finally, her carrot which she seemed to enjoy chewing on.

She is cruising the furniture now too and has figured out, 2 days after starting pulling up, how to sit back down without help. It was getting a bit frustrating having to help her back down as she was standing up on anything at a good height for her. She got stuck standing with her hands on our bathroom scales on Monday and couldn't figure out how to go back to sitting! She has it well figured out now though. Her favourite thing to climb up on is still Mummy or Daddy and she still likes a good haul at my hair when she can get a hold of it.

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