
Sunday 19th July 2020

We had a family from South Africa join our online service this morning, we really are reaching further afield! 

I had a plan for this afternoon, indoors, but the weather was good and I needed to cut the grass. I also had a few plants I brought back from Sue's that needed planting. In order to plant them I needed to cut back the cotoneaster which had spread along the border and out towards the front in whatever gap it could find. 

I only intended to cut it back a bit but it started to fall off the fence so I did more than intended. By then the bin was two thirds full. However, once I get hold of the big loppers there's no stopping me. The trees have been annoying me for a while as there were a lot of low hanging branches that had reached over the border, cutting out the light and making the garden look small. So, I decided to start cutting "one or two" down ... and I couldn't stop. I did all the ones I could reach with my long loppers. The trouble was, the handle was jammed so it was half the length it should have been. Perhaps that's good as I might have taken a lot more down in the corner (it does need to come down though). Chopping them down is the fun bit, clearing it up is not so fun. At the point I took this picture I did realise that doing all that when the bin was already two thirds full was probably not the best idea. I was surprised though that I did manage to get it all squashed in in the end. 

I then managed to plant Sue's plants. The garden looks a lot tidier now, even though there are still a lot of bushes that need cutting back later in the year.

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