Shamrock...His Name is Shamrock

I had learned and lost this horses name, but this morning we saw the owner and she retold me that his name is Shamrock. He looks like a Shamrock, doesn't he?

For the second day in a row, we were at an estate sale when it opened at 9 a.m. I bought some things yesterday, and Lisa got some stuff today.

I was also there on Friday by myself, and I bought 5 brand new wooden shutters for a dollar apiece. I opened one on Friday, and painted a rainbow trout across the slats, with 8 other fish on the borders. I liked how it came out, so I went back on Saturday and bought 6 more of the shutters for 50 cents apiece.

I left my camera at home because of the humidity, and...wouldn't you know we left the long driveway...two little fawns were staring us down. Hard to get a picture without a camera.

After the encounter, I got my backup out of the bowels of our van, and shot Shamrock.

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