
Up and out early to watch Uncle Lozz fly his plane into Ibiza, but he came in from the opposite side to usual...but somewhere behind the kids, in the dip, is Lozz in his plane!! So kind of a triple portrait, hahaha! Great to be able to natter via WhatsApp whilst he waited for the flight to unload and reload. We walked home and hung out in the park for a while.
More earrings dispatched today...plus a gorgeous gorgeous email from a youth group in Belfast who heard of Asha’s initiative and are going to do a sponsored sleeping rough night to raise money for the homeless here! Asha was sooo pleased!
Good to see Ricardo looking happy and well...good to see Stef and have a juice with her. And then great to hear from Danny that Sole is doing well in prison. I love being able to send messages via Danny, as well as cards via the post!

Today I’m grateful for;
1) Knowing Lozz was close!
2) Ricardo looking so happy - there was a time we thought we’d find him dead on the street.
3) Hearing about Danny and Sole praying together.

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