One of those days...

It happens every so often. You need your space, you need time for yourself. 

Went out relatively early and bumped into neighbour J. Had a chat and she told me there were egrets in a lake nearby. Headed that way but got distracted by peacock butterflies on the way there. After taking some pictures, I noticed the eyepiece on the camera was missing. Panic! I searched the bag, I retraced my steps, but didn’t find it. Huge panic! The same thing happened yesterday and in the end we found it in the rucksack. There was a chance it would be at home. 

Continued on my walk and got distracted again by lines and shapes in the field (see extras). When I finally got to the lake, there was just one egret, on the other side, so I started walking round it, but got distracted by bees, dragonflies and birds! It was amazing to see these little birds hanging on bulrushes and feeding. I took many pictures and freed my mind from thoughts and homesickness. I went back home with a lighter heart. I should do it more often.

P.S. When I got nearer the egret, it flew away!
P.P.S. The eyepiece was in the rucksack! 

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