Wellington Light

Funny day. The Boss got all kitted out to go with the Churton Park Staggerers and got as far as the bus stop but it was raining in buckets and they cancelled so we went home and staggered later up Mt Vic.
It was a great outing as he was wearing his serious stagger boots which he has had issues with in the past but had soaked the troublesome one in the  laundry sink overnight (The day before)  stuffed with a tea towel and the process had been completely successful as 12.000 steps later it was still comfortable. Half way up the mountain (Sounds grrreat doesn't it) we met a lovely lady and after chatting for some time she remembered  "something about a dog"  and realised that we had met before. How could she have forgotten ME.....
Thanks for all your wonderful advice of the feline variety yesterday. I am chewing it over which is hard without teeth and may take a while.....

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