Sea trout

A long lie and headed out for a wee hill. Ground boggy again but as it was on a slope much easier going. The eagle was sighted early on, white tailed .

A visit to a sheiling in quite good condition. Up the slope to the summit with stunning views to the Harris hills. At a bealach sheltered from the wind total silence. Amazing I just stood it was sore on the ears.

Summit attained then dropped down to the corrue to a loch. Set up the rod and caught a wee trout. Ran with rod to the lochs on way back caught a couple more.

Stripped off at a freshwater loch beach for a swim.

Back to my son's.

An evening fishing with the family ghillie(eco son) on the loch. One sea trout and 2 brownies, sadly the leaking salmon did not take.

Brilliant time with the boy.

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