
By Seelye

So disturbing

I am sorry this photo is so disturbing. I have always had very sad feelings for our homeless population. Lolo and I all of the sudden came upon him sleeping at 5:30 a.m. He was gently snoring and I was relieved he still had some water. If he had walked another block or so he could have been on some grass and hidden behind some bushes. I imagine he may be one that has mental health issues. There are so many victims of homelessness that want so badly out of their situation and this country makes it pretty darned impossible. Once I passed a homeless man in Grand Central in NYC that I was sure was an angel. It was the look on his face, I can still see it. This population just keeps growing. And we keep failing at helping.

In June of 1981 I moved to Boston, Massachusetts. Sometime in 1982 President Regan closed a ton of facilities and many schizophrenics invaded the streets along with those that had other mental health issues, drugs and alcohol abuse. It was awful. What blew me away is you would hear them ranting and realize along with the raving madness there were many that were highly educated. Boston is one educated city with so many colleges and universities. With all the education and money in this country it is truly disturbing that we make zero headway.

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