
By Shonie

All You Need Is Love

So I decided since its pay day to have a wee treat!
I've been wanting my nails done for a while and I'd heard good things about a place in town so decided to give in!
I had my the fake ends put on and then had seen these little hearts on Logan's nieces nails and just so cute and romantic so I found a google pic and popped in after my lecture today.
I hate them too long so the only fake bit is the red bit. But i love them.
Ignore my hands that look like old granny hands... Maybe hitting 26 this year is accelerating my wrinkles....
But the lady is a lovely Chinese lady and she is amazing! The shop was full and she went from love hearts to sparkles to polka dots!
If you live in Dundee I would recommend them! Perfect Nails really do give Perfect nails.
Next time I will not have them quite so pointy but she said it would work for this design.
I have an army Burns Night Ball on the 16th and I think it look perfect with my black dress and furry shrug!

Sending all Blippers their own little love hearts!

S x

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