
By Barrabajagal

Bad Mood Boo

All is not well in the world of Boo today.

A buddy at nursery called her a poo-poo head and naturally, she took offence to this. I collected her, her bruised ego and we set off to indulge in some muddy puddle jumping in an attempt to lift her spirits. Tragedy struck as she tripped before we managed to reach the puddle and grazed her hand. Tears and snotters ensued as we lurched homewards. She spotted this sunset and asked if the sky is angry because it was red.

Once home, she entered the lair of the smelly Smeagol to look for sympathy, only to be told to stop touching his stuff and get out of his room!

"I'm so sad, Mummy..."

We're curled up on the sofa eating biscuits (before dinner so living dangerously) and reading Dr Seuss having a huggle.

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