Back to Hamilton House

Dear Diary,

I returned to Hamilton House to tour the interior this morning.  I wanted to see the murals particularly installed in 1907 by Emily and Elise Tyson, the last owners of the house before it was taken over by Historic New England.  To the right of the door, next to the ship, is a painting of Hamilton House.  Jonathan Hamilton, son of poor Scottish immigrants,  made his money in lumber and ship building and during the War for Independence, as a privateer.  He also had two plantations on Tobago in the West Indies.  He was a slave owner but there is no record of him trafficking slaves although he did keep slaves at Hamilton House.  The extra photo is of a small collection of 18th century children's dolls and toys.  Elise Tyson Vaughn, the last owner of Hamilton House, was quite a collector of Early American antiques. The little highboy is actually a furniture salesman's model.  I found the black rag doll especially touching given Hamilton's history.  They are reproducing the original hall wallpaper of 1785 and it will be hung next year.  That will be something to see.

In the garden I found a very interesting flower that I will see if I can find for my garden, a Nagella Satira or Black Cumin.  I've never seen one before.  Summer blooming blue flowers are rather rare around here and I really love its form.  I've added a photo of it.

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