The New Abnormal

We spent the morning putting a second coat of paint on the living room walls and certainly chose a good morning to not be doing anything else: it tipped it down with rain the whole time!

It finally stopped about 3 o'clock so we headed out for a walk. The high street was pretty much deserted (it's closed to traffic now to aid social distancing) except for this line of people on the right who were queueing to get into the Clark's Village shopping precinct. Presumably it was so busy they were working on a one out, one in basis. Goodness knows what the queues were like to get into the individual shops. We didn't bother to find out! I suspect this is the sort of thing we'll have to get used to.

Instead we headed towards Street Hill, the sun came out and it became very hot for the hour and a half we were out. As we neared home it clouded over and started raining again just as we got to the front door. Good timing.

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