Girls just want to have fun

It was sooo nice to have a lie in after last night's late night (I've backblipped!)...and the kids apparently slept well at Stephen and Jud's! They even went for a pancake breakfast!! Not to be outdone, Danny and  took ourselves for avocado on toast and coffee at Nude!
The kids had such a great sleepover they were not loving the idea of having to leave, ha! With just enough turnaround time to pack up the earrings, we set off to friends for a pool party housewarming. John had asked Asha to do a little pop up shop (see extra) - she did so well, sold loads but also has been asked to lead a workshop next week teaching kids how to make basic pieces...and another lady who is a jeweller here working with silver and gold, has invited Asha to come work with her in her studio for a few hours and she'll teach her some new skills! Sooo kind! 

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Stephen and Jud's kindness towards the kids and us.
2) The opportunities Asha's being given.
3) Asha making some lovely new friends, and me too!

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