Roly's Life

By Roly

Birthday Girl

Even with the boyfriend staying and with being 19 so proper into adulthood, the tradition of presents in our bed was adhered to!

MrRoly and the boy cooked breakfast as requested by the Birthday Girl - Eggs Benedict.

While Eldest inflicted watching The Kissing Booth films 1 & 2 on her siblings, I cracked on with face coverings for us all. My friend who gave me the tutorial yesterday forwarded a video from Hoobycraft and it’s all just clicked!! We now have 2 each ready to go (one on and one in the wash) with another dozen ‘spares’ in mid production waiting for more elastic to arrive!

Tea was fish and chips, again Eldest’s choice - meant to be on the beach but it rained so we played board games instead!

Then cake - The Tiger King as requested - and lots of ribbing about the amazing Tiger cake my brother made for her 3rd birthday*

We’ve now evicted the younger 2 so we can watch The Gentlemen - I suspect this could be one they make my Mum watch at a later date...

* he didn’t make it, I made it but being the great big sister I am, I let him take all the glory, for 16 years!!

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