Our Journey is a process

By journeysprocess

Relaxing . . .

We had a great Zoom bible study  today with our group from all around the globe.  We continued our study in the book of Acts, and particularly in Acts 15 about the Jerusalem Council. This was a key event in defining what a believer is.  I know many may not be interested from a faith perspective, but it is fascinating also from a historical perspective. 

I did work for a few hours today.  I have so many documents to review that it is taking much longer than I anticipated.  Thankfully, my clients are patient.   

But then, I decided to make Oaxacan Green Mole with Chicken tonight for dinner.  It was wonderful!  I started with using corn tortillas in a hot chicken broth and let it steep for a few minutes until the tortillas were very soft.  After pureeing the tortillas, I put them back in the broth then added 2 chicken breasts that I had cut into 1 inch chucks.  While that was poaching, I grilled some small potatoes (cut in half) until they were slightly brown and added them to the chicken broth puree.  I then grilled tomatillos, cloves of garlic, an onion and 2 green chiles until they had just lightly brown.  I then pureed them using my blender again, and added  fresh cilantro, mint, and parsley, along with cumin seeds, fennel seeds and coriander seeds, salt and pepper.   The green puree was gorgeous.  I checked to make sure the chicken and potatoes were done, then added a few florets of roasted broccoli.  As a last step, I then added the green puree, let everything come to temperature, and served with a sprinkling of cheddar cheese, a few slices of green avocado and a small dollop of sour cream.  It was excellent.  

Along with our Sunday green mole, I served a nice rose.  

I hope you all had a nice, relaxing weekend, and that you have wonderful week!  

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