G i r l ' s G o t G u t s

By Sionii

Roll the Dice

So here's the big 365!

It doesn't feel as big a deal as it should though. Technically this was my 1 year blip but due to a few hospital 'blips' during last summer my progress got delayed slightly.

I'm not one for getting overly sentimental so will keep it brief. Blip and you fellow blippers have been a real joy! Seeing your wonderful work and receiving your daily comments - not to mention the 'hearts' and 'stars' have been a real motivator to keep practicing - and hopefully get better - at my camera skills. So, thank you, you are all fab :D

Anyway, talking of camera skills, I've had to miss my photography class this week. Work has been very manic lately. The highlight of the week being an unexpected meeting with a very important person at work the other day after my dental appt. I looked like someone who'd had a minor stroke in a pair of Ugg boots with unbrushed hair. And, because work is upgrading computer systems on a staggered approach the document I was talking him through had a load of formatting errors after being converted between different Word programmes. He helpfully offered to 'highlight' these for me.

And, continuing with Word problems, today at 16:40 I lost a full day's worth of work! F*ck knows what happened but I was there til 19:30 trying to recapture what I'd lost so I could get stuff circulated tonight. Hence missing my class.

Thank goodness it's the weekend. Professional appearances shall be restored next week and here's to another year of blip! X

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