
By SimonHaworth

Lovely, lovely light!

Went to Gloucester today, and while number one son was sleeping we managed to mooch around the cathedral for a little while doing 'proper' photography - with a tripod, and I paid my £3 for a licence for the day.

This is a view of one of the long corridors which run around the central cloisters - it was lovely and quiet, so I didn't have to wait very long for no people in the shot!

We met a fascinating chap there - one of the volunteer tour guides, who was telling us that the little holes you can see in the ceiling in this corridor were made during the 2nd World War. Not bullet holes, but made by the locals in case the cathedral was bombed, because it was feared that the amount of water which the fire department would use to put out the fires would cause the ceiling to collapse. So, drainage holes.

He also told us that during the war they took the main stained glass window out of the cathedral, piece by piece, and stored it in a 'safe place'. Unfortunately, after the war they'd lost the plan for how to re-assemble it, so they had to use a pre-war postcard and a microscope!

I must go back and do the proper tour - I love this sort of trivia... :-)

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