
By dunkyc

Learning curve

I recently found myself passing on advice to The Eldest that my father had passed on to me and which I had foolishly ignored.

It was a long time ago, when we were talking about university and whether or not I should go as I didn’t really know what I wanted to do and he said that “if you don’t know what you want, keep learning until you do”. With hindsight, this was really good advice, but as I said in the opening, FOOLISHLY I didn’t go to university (my only major regret to be honest……well, that and a night out a few months ago where far too much black sambucca was consumed. It did NOT end well.) and now I’m 42. And an insurance salesman. I know: a double threat guy.

My father’s words have been on my mind a lot lately, mainly because The Eldest is now starting to consider her future education – probably a little too early, but it’s good that she’s thinking about it.

I feel like I’m on a learning curve myself. Regular visitors to this journal will know that I’ve recently started to learn how to play the piano and tonight I had my first lesson – my tutor is ace (West Ham fan) and as to how the first lesson went, well she gave me a “happy sloth” sticker in my piano book….no, I did not ask for it at any point…

I’m also learning how to be a single and a co-parent, which for someone who wasn’t the natural father that he thought he would be and has never lived alone for an extended period of time, has been kind of daunting, but with practice I think I’m getting the hang of it. New players in the co-parenting game, bring an added dimension to proceedings, but with a little time and space to gain some perspective, you find that you can pretty much deal with anything.

Tonight, I went out for a run after my piano lesson, where our discussions over timing and pacing had clearly bled through into my wider thoughts as I ran my best-paced and second best 5k under 25 minutes. I used to hate running.

When you truly apply yourself to something, it’s amazing what you can learn. 

Think I’ll keep doing that.

Thanks Dad. 

I get there in the end.

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