The Wofflings Of A Doris

By DorisOrDwagon

I'll get to the point

If you only knew how much I'd ummed and ahhed over what to load as my Blip today - ridiculous - it's because I'm overtired and I'm cheesed off with myself that I couldn't muster up the energy to go out to find a photo opportunity after I finished work this afternoon.

Wren and robin kept hiding as soon as I got the camera out, Basil's been a bit stealthy too. The day was dull and gloomy except for early this morning when the sky looked fab - but I just didn't grab the opportunity.

So that left me needing to be creative when I didn't feel like being creative, and just as I decided these pencils would have to do, I decided on another totally different option - I like the idea of that but the muck really showed, so I've decided it will be an easy one to fall back on another day as an emergency Blip... once I've cleaned it.

Getting out tomorrow, going on the 'kingfisher behind Argos' hunt with friends from the camera club - hoping that will be my blip tomorrow... but not holding my breath!

I'm typing this with my eyes shut, I'll catch up with journals tomorrow, when hopefully, my woffle will be recharged.

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