Excuse Me!

This little Rufous Hummingbird was sitting on this branch resting and just before he flew he took a little potty break.  :-)) Did you know that this stream is both their "pee and poop"? It makes sense; they don't get anything solid in their diet.

This morning was very enjoyable, but not quiet, as I sat in the backyard eating my breakfast. There were a couple newly fledged crows loudly begging their parent for food; they followed her everywhere, including low swoops through my backyard and stops on my fence. If you ever hear a fledgling begging, you will remember it. The other day it was that hawk and the house finch, today it is the crows. The crows are definitely the loudest; the hawks and eagles are the most pitiful.....the finches have a pleading cry and the starlings are annoying......agreed?  

I hear that the protests last night were violent in Seattle with many policeman hurt; I have not heard about Portland yet, I wonder if it was the same. Seattle didn't have the Federal agents and Portland does, I wonder if that makes a difference or not. I don't think the situation is as "black and white" as it sometimes appears....perhaps there is a third alternative? Maybe it would be good to get away from dualistic thinking and see things from both sides at once.....seeing the gray area...... seeing the possibilities for real solutions to the many problems of our society.......for inequality and injustices.....for the desire for power and control.....for the greed and discontent....for all the things that divide and anger Americans.....for all the looting and violence.....for all the businesses suffering loss and closures......for all the jobs lost and those held by those at the top........for perceived unfairness and real unfairness... for desires for more and more and more.....and fear, fear, fear by everyone in one way or another. How do we just Let it Go and Not Worry? How do we find serenity in the midst of chaos? Agreeing to disagree? Listening to others' views? Doing one kind action? Helping one person at a time? By being nice?     Maybe that is the best place to start....just Be Nice!!! We on Blip know how to do that best, right?     

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