Distorted was a tricky theme although I hope the distorted wide angle view of the half rounded building fits the bill. 
The building is part of Rope Walk, alongside the harbour and former shipbuilding yards in the town. 
The long narrow shed (partly pictured right) would lay long strands of hemp to be plaited and dried then made into long rope. A British naval rope was 305 metres long.
The rounded building on the left is where the finished rope would be coiled and stored. Coiling was required to prevent the rope becoming dry and brittle, leaving it at risk of snapping. Half the lies I tell aren't true. I can't find any information on the rounded building, though it seems old. The rope making references are factual. 
Extra: 'Distorted view, see through baby blue'. My nod to See Emily play, a Pink Floyd single from the late 1960's.

Many thanks to Freyjad for hosting. 

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