A Pro Licence

To debrief the world's leading personality assessment tool you need training and practice. It is not easy, mainly because human characteristics are so complex, especially in their overall mix.

Many of you know I am a leading practitioner of the tool (B5-PLUS by Human Content) and deeply committed to help spread the knowledge and benefits that flow from Its employment.

I decided to share how I prepare for a debriefing session on video to help our latest batches of trainees. The mastery skill is identifying the combination of positions of factors and facets and spreads within facets and then leading a conversation about how they play out in a person's current work or future aspirational work as either signals of strength (SS) or watch outs (WO), the aim being to precisely match naturally produced behaviours with activities that need them to be done well. The result is happy do-ers and quality outcomes.

In this example, the client was probably more matched to his current role as COO than to his to be promoted to role (next month) as CEO. The board could have done with me before offering him the role.

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