New Friends

We started today Skyping the ever encouraging and hilarious Cath from our home church in the UK. If you see this Cath - we love you!
Today is my friend Joha's birthday, so Asha made her a loooovely anklet. She went off to the party early with Joha and Isabel and spent 4 hours in the pool - I think she may be part mermaid that girl! Unfortunately she cut her foot at some point, but one of Joha's friend's was a a doctor and worked magic with alcohol gel, toilet paper and nappy, ha! All to keep the cut clean til we got home.
This afternoon (pre us arriving at the party) we met up with Andrés who I've blipped. He's Ibicencan but is good friends with some 24-7 Prayer people we know in the UK and actually spent lockdown with them! So when he came home to Ibiza he wanted to connect with other 24-7 folks. He is such a beautiful soul, only 21 (he was 13 when we arrived here, horrifying!!), a dancer and performer...his last show was the We Will Rock You tour in the UK, but unfortunately everything has been cancelled and it's a tough industry to be in at the moment. We had such a brilliant hour or 2 with him, he wants to help out with homeless stuff if possible too.
From there we joined the others at Joha's party! And then straight from there we headed to the prison. Danny and Sole hatched a plan for me to be able to wave to her - at 8,45 she's in her cell for 20 minutes ish, so we went to the tiny road she can see from her cell and whistled until, joy of absolute joys, we saw arms waving, and vaguely heard 'te quiero Lydieeeeeee' floating on the wind! Amazing, sad and emotional...I'm so glad the plan worked...and it will be repeated many many more times! As my sister said, it's like something out of a film!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Cath.
2) Meeting Andrés - I'm sure he's a new friend. He's already planning on coming to Caña Club.
3) 'Seeing' Sole (I'll add the phone pic in extras for posterity)...the moment we saw arms waving - just wonderful!!!!!

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