
By AnnieBelle

Black dots

These sooty black dots are on a dead tree in the Warrumbungle National Park where we spent the day. There is plenty of other evidence of a recent fire but there's lots of regrowth now. The streams were full and babbling.

We ended up doing the walk up to the Grand High Tops, 13km return. The last 900 metres were very steep and challenging, and even the previous section was a long steep slog, much of which was on stairs. The view at the top was spectacular (see extras) - the Breadknife (volcanic dyke) in one direction and a massive volcanic plug in the opposite. It took about 4.5 hours including several breaks for water and catching of breath. Overall, it felt pretty good and tonight we are vowing to do more such walks, but by tomorrow our resolve may be more like the empty words of a dream, remembered on waking.

I've had an anti inflammatory and now I'm having a glass of red, both effective analgesics.

Thanks for hosting Ingeborg. Stay well blippers.

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