horns of wilmington's cow

By anth

Feline Great

Last year for one of our work charity days I organised our team to go to Lothian Cat Rescue to volunteer for a day. I went back that same day and took a load of photos, and off the back of that got asked if I'd be interested in going back to take some shots for their 2021 calendar. I mean, that's a rhetorical question right?

Covid kinda got in the way, but I spent my lunch today getting the stories behind some of the cats, and trying to catch their best sides. 

A lovely way to spend some time, and the lovely stories of rehabilitation just about outweighed the tales of neglect (one cat, Jess, you'll see in the pictures with a brown stained white bib - that's nicotine staining!).

Oh, and there's an almost-Harris lookalike who leads the Grounds Cats Mafia.

Anyway, some of the 100s of shots I took today - the only thing to add is, if you're considering getting a cat (or dog) please consider rehoming a rescue first. It won't work for all, but every single one of these animals deserves more.

Public Service Announcement over.

(A load of extras)

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