
Really meant to take photos that were not chicks today but that didn't happen.

I went out this morning to give the flock breakfast and to my surprise Mother hen came out of the hut and called her chicks to come outside down the ramp. 3 of them did while I watched them having their first taste of outdoors. Mother hen was putting food down for them and showing them how to scratch for it, they all seemed to be having a lovely time and it was special to see but I didn't even have my phone in my pocket for a picture.

I decided to take the opportunity to help them into their new chest of drawers hut with an enclosed run where they will live for the next few months. Now I haven't got so much access to them but they can run in and out as they please and they are safe. Hence the strange lines across this shot which is the cage wire. I saw them all doing a bit of sunbathing later.

A 5.3 k run and some gardening took the rest of the day. It was warm here, 18 deg C, but then it rained about 3pm and is now wet, midgie and humid.  Never mind it's gin time again

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