
By wingpig

seven questions

Hmmm. About the only useful thing about doing a week of self-portraits is that it really cut down on the number of pictures I had to choose between for each day's post. Back to normal tomorrow. After wasting my afternoon today by agreeing to pop into work to do some testing (which went on for two hours longer than it should have) I shall be leaving as promptly as I can for the four days this week for which I have to work. I shall stop dithering in the morning and get in for proper-time to enable prompt leavingness. It would in any case be handy to get in before the majority of people tomorrow to minimise the inevitable commentary. It should be a relatively pleasant week... some things simply have to be done, some meetings are dotted about to break things up a little and I don't have to do anything nasty like take the minutes of or create the agenda for the team meeting for another couple of months. I remembered to take my sandals in on Friday so (with the extra head-ventilation) might even be somewhat less horribly overheated than is usual in the stuffy airless stiflebox.

One of the nicest things about a quick trundle over the hill is that water tastes exceptionally cold and refreshing upon returning home.

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