Embrace the blur!

I'm not 100% sure and if you tell me it's a blurred LBJ then I may be tempted to swap it for a beautiful chiffchaff or willow warbler (no, I don't have both - just no idea which they were.)  You can see one of a little posse of them in the background here - their plumage was stunning. 

But, I've picked this one because I think it's a female redstart.  I've seen only a couple at the Cow and Calf over the years but never managed to catch them.  This was a first on Burley Moor so it's a lovely for the record pic (if I'm right, that is!)  

I'd actually taken Little Dog up to the moor to find the house martins that were swooping in on a rowan tree the other day - there must have been something tasty going on.  They weren't to be found but this was a good alternative and I'm now hoping to see more.

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