Orange is the new black!


Mr Blackbird paid a visit to the garden & pose beautifully for me ..... he deserves his five minutes of fame on Blip for that .... hope you like him :-)

Hubby has been having problems with his back & hips for a few weeks ..... on Friday he phoned the surgery to try to get an appointment with the doctor ...... no chance! The doctor will ring you!

On Saturday he received a phone call from a Nurse Practitioner! Over the phone she managed to diagnose Arthritis ..... quite a feat without an examination I think!

Sunday he received a call from a physio ...... had he had an x-ray? No just diagnosed over the phone! Oh! (sounding surprised)

The physio has emailed some gentle exercises for him to do .... with the instruction not to do any that cause pain or discomfort!

I know the doctors are trying to limit the number of 'appointments in person' because of Covid .... but I would have thought this would have warranted something more than a phone call! Hey ho! A sign of the times!

Stay safe everyone :-)

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