Life in Sunny Dubai

By GadgetKid

Here's looking at you!

We had a change of plans again in the morning and ended up in Dubai Mall for breakfast (coffee and croissant in M&S) and then G wanted to check if her new-found grocer had bargain celery again.

It involved crossing the main highway and seeing Darth Vader and his Stormtroopers again. I noticed that their heads are differently placed making them look quite real. (Thank goodness they're not!)

The walk was worth it and G came away with over a kilo of celery which she has already made into juice! I've had an afternoon/evening juggling finances to make sure we're ok. It's been awful watching the news from Beirut tonight, but it helped put things in perspective. And in between, G almost finished reading Les Miserable on her Kindle while I had my hair coloured! It's been quite a day.

Tomorrow, we are definitely going to the East Coast!!

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