
I’ve always loved fig trees so it makes me happy that we planted one which is flourishing outside the bedroom door. It seems to be very happy out there and the bonus is that it has quite a few figs on it.

Another thing that makes me happy is that a woman from a Pilates reformer class who is a hairdresser called me and said that she is giving haircuts either in her back yard or ours. The complicating factor now is the weather which is very hot now but supposed to cool off significantly in the next few days with ‘possible fog and drizzle’ This doesn’t make an outdoor haircut sound
very appealing....

I seem to have a finite amount of creativity and whatever there is is going into figuring out the complexities of designing a star pattern baby quilt. It’s turning out to be fairly complicated. Apologies for uninspired photos and a lack of comments.

Sonoma County has not been released from the state ‘watch’ list, which means that the number of Covid infections and deaths exceeds the state requirements, so restrictions here cannot be relaxed yet.

Peter is coming over to figure out the photos on the computer...I imagine all devices will be involved for awhile while he tries to get them to play nicely together....

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