The Sphinx of Bagatelle!

Had a lovely morning with my Mum, had a coffee and then a little spot of shopping. Very nice.

Could not resist this book from the Oxfam shop; The Sphinx of Bagatelle by Princess Marthe Bibesco (translated by Edward Marsh). A beautiful and exotic title and authors name! Also a lovely cover.

I opened it up and saw a character described as, 'Maurice, Comte Caraman, the future Prince de Chimay, grandson of the great Riquet' and was sold! This is a world I would like to lose myself in!

Sample dialogue; 'Well played Sir! You didn't waste your time when you went to say goodnight to the Queen. You're the idol of the Army, and your orders are obeyed with the utmost dispatch!'

It continues; D'Artois smiled and raised his glass, saying simply, 'To the health of our dearest!'

This appears in a chapter called 'Leave me, Monseigneur!'

Excellent!! It smells a bit though.

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