Wind in the barley

The field right on the cliff top has been sown with barley this year.  Although there is a dry stone wall at the seaward edge, it is too low and broken down to offer much protection.  There are swirls of flattened stalks where the recent gales and heavy rain have damaged the crop and have done a lot more than ruffled it!

The base of the wall, and the cliff top generally, is home to countless rabbits and they too have been working their way through the barley, eating the tender shoots as they have come up and now enjoying the ripening heads.  

Lottie and I sat, sheltered by a fuchsia hedge, and watched a huge oil tanker being piloted into Scapa Flow, much to the annoyance of a couple of wrens on whose territory we were obviously trespassing!  (remembering here not to end a sentence with a preposition!  Those nuns with their canes taught me well! Ha!)

Extras of a wren on the wing and Lottie on the wall!

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