
By Sassafrasstash

Spoilt for choice

A not so lazy Sunday began with the habitual weekend drizzle I've had to quickly learn to make the most of - to the musée! I can't imagine how little I have scraped the surface of what this epicentre of the arts, history, music and down right oddities à la française has on offer. But I'm trying!.. if not very hard right now as I write this in my pjs in bed on a wild Friday night... (it's been a long week alright!)

back to the point, where was I... ah yes;

Sunday. Drizzle. Paris. Musée: the Orangerie was top of my list for the day. Less than a week gone by but oh Impressionists, how I'd missed you! a snazzy 5 euro ipod-audioguide + 3h all to myself with Monet and his nymphéas, Cezanne and his nature mortes, Renoir and his filles au piano, Picasso's périodes blue et rose, Utrillo and his big butts - say what?! cf: Utrillo

... makes me a happy parisienne. To top it all off, I stepped outside into the Tuileries to the most brilliant sunshine for months (months I tell you!) and happy snapped all around town quite contentedly.

Rather than post any of the sunny shots, I'm continuing with my theme for the day with an eye catching display of one of my (unoriginal) favourite things in Paris : macaroons! Oh, and me mam likes this picture, (hi Mum). My latest unnecessary addiction : Pierre Hermé créme brulée flavour. Woah. Like nothing else. However on the occasion you are out on your daily shop to La Durée, I shan't refuse a box of vanille, citron or caramel beurre salé ones either...

...24 days til my birthday guys...

A weird footnote to add - there was a small sign forbidding photos to be taken outside this shop (needless to say, ignored) - why?! grumble grumbleaboutfrenchthingsidontunderstand

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